Heart Rhythm Meditation and

Energy Work

Heart Rhythm Meditation

At Integrative Awakening, we prioritize the transformative power of Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM), a method founded by Susanna and Puran Bair and extensively taught at their Institute of Applied Meditation on the Heart. This profound meditation technique serves as the cornerstone of our retreats, workshops, and one-on-one sessions.

HRM distinguishes itself by providing an embodied meditation experience. Practitioners deeply connect with their heartbeat and breath, creating a pathway to profound meditative states. Unlike traditional approaches that focus externally or allow the mind to drift, HRM fosters a connection to one's inner self. Through this method, we guide the body into a state of homeostasis, where the heartbeat and breath synchronize, leading to a calm and centered mind.

The practice of HRM serves as a powerful tool to move beyond survival mode, enabling practitioners to perceive the world as a space filled with safety, love, acceptance, and peace. In our offerings, Caroline Culverhouse, the founder of Integrative Awakening, and Christopher Neithamer, both certified HRM facilitators and seasoned practitioners, extend their expertise. They provide private and group lessons virtually and in person on the Big Island of Hawaii and, seasonally, in Berks County, PA. Experience the profound impact of HRM with our dedicated facilitators as you embark on a journey towards inner harmony and self-discovery.

Energy Work

Caroline offers both in session (during psychotherapy sessions as she sees fit) hands-free , non-touching energy clearing work  as well as formal hands on clearings on a meditation table. 

Energy clearings help remove energetic and emotional blockages and unwanted energies and attachments as well as help restore the body's natural, healthy vibration to each chakra (energy center).

For more thorough energy clearings, Caroline recommends doing a session on the massage table. During these sessions Caroline is both channeling and acting as a conduit for source energy to come through her heart and her hands and do what it needs to do to get folks where they want to be.

Often she will share with clients what is coming through if they are open and interested in hearing. 


For another potent form of heart-based energy healing, we recommend working with seasoned energy healer, Christopher Neithamer. He offers in person Hurqalya healings from our Integrative Awakening locations, Big Island home visits, and from a distance.

More information on Christophers's energy healing can be found at www.christopherneithamer.com

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.